Henry S. Fisher, 73, of 115 Black Horse Rd., Paradise, died unexpectedly Wednesday, March 8, 2017. Born in Paradise, he was the son of the late Levi S. and Sarah Stoltzfus Fisher. He was the husband of Emma Stoltzfus Fisher. Mr. Fisher was a retired farmer and a member of the Old Order Amish Church.
Also surviving are: five children, Rebecca S. wife of John S. King, Quarryville, Malinda S. wife of Samuel K. Glick, Manheim, Levi J. husband of Fannie Stoltzfus Fisher, Jonas D. husband of Sara Beiler Fisher, both of Paradise, Sarah Ann wife of Ben K. Fisher, Leola; 39 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; brothers, David S. married to Lydia Fisher Fisher, Stephen S. married to Lydia Stoltzfus Fisher, both of Oxford, Levi S. married to Lydia Stoltzfoos Fisher, Paradise; sisters, Katie married to James Bawell, Gordonville, Hannah married to John Miller, Sarah married to Isaac Stoltzfus, both of Paradise, Emma married to Jacob Zook, Manheim; and a foster sister, Violet married to the late Curtis Horst, Lancaster. Mr. Fisher was preceded in death by a great-grandson, Reuben King.
Funeral Services: 9 a.m. Saturday, Mar. 11, 2017 at the late home. Interment: Gordonville Cemetery. Viewing: at the late home till the service. Kindly omit flowers.