No one wants to think about their own funeral, but planning ahead for the inevitable may be the best gift you can give to those you love.
Not only does funeral preplanning relieve family members or friends from making important decisions during a stressful time, it guarantees that your last wishes will be fulfilled.
Our funeral home in Leola, PA, offers a variety of preplanning options that allow you to get your affairs in order and provide peace of mind for yourself and those you love. Additionally, funding before your death can result in significant cost savings.
And you won’t have to do it alone. We’ll provide the guidance you need in every step of the planning process.
Our attentive funeral directors and staff are happy to review preplanning options with you, so it’s as easy and painless as possible. Contact us to discuss the funeral preplanning choices available to you so you can start feeling the peace of mind you deserve right away.
You will makes choices for your final arrangements based on your personal preferences, considerations for those you love, and budgetary concerns. Take a look at the funeral services we offer, including cremation, so you can plan the funeral that YOU want.